Building a Future
For whatever reason, many high school students graduate without a clear future in mind. Louis was one of them. “After high school, I remember I was just lost,” says Louis. “I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know what my next step was.”
Then someone told him about a program over at Michigan Works! “In high school I was already doing a construction program, but I didn’t know where to go after that,” says Louis. Goodwill gave Louis the training to start making money and getting hands-on experience and knowledge about the construction industry. “I got out of high school, and a week later I was on the job site.”
Every career needs nurturing. Louis met his case manager Shanelle at Michigan Works! and everything fell into place. “She treats us really good,” Louis says.
“Since the first day I met her, I felt like she was a family member. She always keeps in contact with me. She calls us her babies. I love that.”
After the program, Louis went to work for a window and siding installation company. “We go through all of Metro Detroit hanging up windows and siding. You can be outside doing repairs. I can see [myself] doing that for a long time.” Louis has certainly found his calling in construction, and now his future is clearer than ever.