We strive to be something greater.


Daniel's headshot for Goodwill success stories

Our Mission

We build pathways to independence through personal development and the power of work.

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Goodwill’s History

In the late 1890’s, a Methodist minister in Boston started searching for ways to help immigrants. His name was Edgar J. Helms. Edgar Helms began by collecting unwanted household items. He hired immigrants to repair and refinish them. He then sold the items and used the money to pay the workers. This system worked well and so the Goodwill method of self-help was officially founded in 1902, offering skill based training programs and job placement services.

In April 1921, Reverend John E. Martin of the First Methodist Church in Berkley, MI founded Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit. Goodwill Detroit’s founder sought to provide employment for elderly and physically disabled residents by creating a place to repair and sell donated items. Over the years, services evolved to meet the times’ needs, but Goodwill Detroit remained steadfast to providing quality services to the community’s most vulnerable members and merged with the League for the Handicapped. Together these two organizations could provide more services and better serve the community.

Today, Goodwill Detroit has grown into a comprehensive social enterprise that is comprised of three distinct operations including, Goodwill Donated Goods Retail stores, Goodwill’s Green Works, and Goodwill Integrated Solutions. Goodwill’s enterprises use revenue generated to directly support many of Goodwill’s life-changing programs, all while directly providing on-the-job training. Goodwill of Greater Detroit provides best in class personal and workforce development training programs to Metro Detroit residents living with mental health challenges or developmental disabilities, returning citizens, and residents who have been chronically under or unemployed. Goodwill Detroit’s work is cemented in its founding belief in helping people, and their families move from poverty and dependence to prosperity and independence.

Goodwill of Greater Detroit

For over 100 years, Goodwill of Greater Detroit has been a leader in making a difference in people’s lives. We are committed to providing second chances, growing and restoring independence and dignity, and improving the quality of life for our community members. Through the support and partnership with community partners, employers and funders we are able to provide job training, social services, job placement, retention services, and work opportunities to hundreds of thousands of metro Detroiters. Goodwill of Greater Detroit’s work is cemented in its founding belief in helping people, and their families move from poverty and dependence to prosperity and independence.

Green Works - Logo


Goodwill Integrated Solutions - Logo


How can we help?

Share our story with your purchasing team and consider doing business with Goodwill Integrated Solutions. Let us quote a program to meet your needs.


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Consider hiring Goodwill trainees when filling positions at your organization. We help individuals get the skills ready to be successful in the workplace. We invite you to come by and schedule a tour of our facility to see what we do and how we do it. Reach out to Kelly at the contact below to schedule a tour.


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Outcomes and ROI

People Served

14,710 (2021) individuals received services from Goodwill of Greater Detroit.

Broad Community Services – 7,520
Intensive Personal Development Services - 347
Intensive Job Placement Services - 1,435
Virtual Services - 5,408

Job Placements

1,097 (2021) persons obtained competitive employment out of 1,174 job ready candidates.


$16.58 (2021) Job-ready individuals who participate in Goodwill programs earn competitive wages.

$610,274 (2021) Goodwill wages paid to persons in transitional work experience programs.


93% (2021) The skills gained through Goodwill services help individuals maintain employment beyond 90 days.

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Executive Staff

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Goodwill Industries of Greater Detroit


Goodwill's Green Works, Inc.



Impact Stories

Real people. Real stories. Real Impact.