An Act of Courage
Sometimes the road ahead can feel more like a mountain. Most of us needed someone to help guide us up that mountain.
Juneen found Goodwill’s Detroit Career Center and enrolled in the Skill Building program. Her first interview boosted her confidence significantly. “Goodwill motivated me and gave me the tools to stay focused and successful. They taught me how to keep a job,” says Juneen.
Goodwill worked with Juneen for almost two years. They scheduled her at multiple job fairs and highlighted the skills she needed to get hired. She is now fully employed doing janitorial services at the Cadillac Building. Goodwill even helped her with her court situation, and now she is her own guardian.
For the first time in a long time, Juneen felt that everyone is here to support her and was not against her.
“They give you that courage and take you under their wings. It’s like a family,” says Juneen of Goodwill.
“It’s great to feel accepted. My future is so much brighter and better than it was before.”
Whatever mountains Juneen may have yet to face, no one can tell her that she can’t conquer them.